Work with questions
To do this, the classes revolve around play, creativity and improvisation exercises, which have served to build the final show. "We work from a driving question that generates new questions and also some answers", explains the director of "Mucha mujer".
Questions that investigate the personal stories of the students, such as Marcia, a Brazilian resident in Barcelona who the workshop has helped to relate to people better, and has given her an impetus to get out of the situation she was suffering from.
"It has helped me a lot in dealing with people, especially if I have to do a job interview, because you come from a reinsertion and people have a lot of discrimination in this regard," says Marcia.
Space for reflection
In addition to a space where you can meet your most artistic self, "Mucha mujer" is, for Marcia, a place where you can become aware of everything around you: "Sometimes we live so fast that we don't have time to reflect, to think, to remember. And here we can do it."